
This is it... the end is here!! (Blog Wrap-up)

  Will I continue blogging? It’s possible; if I did, I would choose another topic. While this was an enjoyable class assignment/project… I would want to keep fun and something I enjoy. I do plan to go into the IT field, but nobody likes to turn something they find enjoyable into work; you would eventually grow to dislike it. Utilizing this and getting to share about the different things that we have learned along the way allowed this assignment to serve as a recap, while also taking ‘technical’ terminology and turning it into something that someone without extensive knowledge would be able to easily understand. Did this help me in my current job? Unfortunately, no; but I can see how and why this could be helpful for future employment. Especially if you are looking for a role within a company that has a large social media presence, as you may need to be familiar with several different posting/communication styles.

Send Back-up!! (Week 10)

  You’re almost done completing your last task for the day… and boom your computer crashes! What do you do? Do you have a backup plan in place…. Are you panicking because you lost all that hard work?! This is one of the many reasons you should have a backup recovery plan in place! in the event that something happens you are able to restore all your data. Depending on your needs, your backup plan may look different from another person’s plan. Ideally, when creating a recovery plan, you should decide a few things first, where you want to store your backups, and what you want to back up. Once you have these key factors figured out, you can start your back-up process, whether you choose a cloud service, external hard drive, USB, etc. pick the method that fits your needs best! Just because you did your initial back-up doesn’t mean you stop there; a back-up should be done periodically to ensure that all your new files, applications, images etc. are updated in on your choice of back-up meth

The age-old debate of This or That… (Week 9)

  A lot of people are die hard for Apple or Android…. There seems to be no in between; this is the age-old debate of which is better. Have you ever asked someone why they prefer the mobile operating system that they use? It’s an interesting question that will usually spark a debate if they do not use the same Mobile OS as you; even if you say no, chances are it will. I personally prefer Android for many reasons, but for a short time years ago I went out on a limb and tried iPhone. Not my best decision, this was back when iPhone 6 came out. After using Android for most of my adult life, switching to a new OS that has a completely different user interface was a challenge. It is ideal to remember that choosing a Mobile OS is purely a personal preference/choice, and there are pros and cons to each of them. Here are a few of my pros and cons for each Mobile OS based on my experience iOS: PRO CON Better security Limited on customization

Where are you? I can’t find you…. (Week 8)

  Often times we don’t really think about how we receive the information on the internet, or how it even travels from one place to the other. It happens so quickly that we don’t even have time to process the steps until we have already been routed to our destination. Let’s talk about it, we all know that the internet a really big place… but how do we get from one place to another? That’s a good question, and a simple one. We rely on IP addresses to send and receive information or data; whether you are looking for something on a local network or something that is on the internet. If you open your web browser and want to get access to a specific website; type in the URL, it then travels to a DNS server (Domain Name Service) to find out that specific websites IP address. Once it locates the needed IP address, it will connect you to the Web server that is hosting the contents of the web page you are wanting to access. If you have permission to access the website it will then be loaded on

I can’t see you; can you see me? (Week 7)

  Monitors are just as equally important as the rest of the hardware… how would you be able to do anything without it?! while there are other output devices that can be used in the event that your monitor fizzles out… like using an HDMI to hook it up to a tv screen, or even a projector! But that is besides the point…. Being able to see what you’re doing is crucial, without it your computer is essentially a paperweight. We definitely don’t need an expensive paperweight! LCD monitors can present with several different issues, between ghosting, fuzzy images, unwanted lines, missing colors, or even extremely ‘dim’. Some of these issues can be troubleshooted by checking cable connections, adjusting your display settings, and video card. In the event that you have checked the settings, cable and video card and nothing changes you may either need to replace your monitor or there is something internal that needs serviced. *Disclaimer: While it is not ideal to do some monitor repairs withou

Why are you being so cryptic?! (Week 6)

  Do you remember back in grade school passing notes to your friends in class; maybe you even came up with a cryptic way to write that message or a secret code so others don’t know what you’re saying, but you can decode that message with the code you both came up with? I do! It was fun to come up with different ways to pass information without someone intercepting your intended message. While that was a good past time, now we have something similar, called encryption. Encryption can be a powerful tool when utilized and can help prevent your personal data or other information from being altered, stolen, or compromised. Data encryption requires special keys to encrypt and decrypt your message.   Allowing your transmitted information to reach it’s intended destination with out interception or disruption, essentially keeping your secret a secret. If you haven’t used encryption before, what’s stopping you from using it now?! For more information on encryption and different types, check ou

Did you say video games?! (Week 5)

  Who doesn’t like to play video games?! Even if it is the occasional game of animal crossing, Zelda, or even call of duty… who am I kidding? Those are my go-to games. I can not remember the last time I enjoyed a PC game; I now prefer the switch due to the portability. However, with PC games being popular with a lot of gamers, more and more people are opting to build their own PCs. Giving them top notch features to enhance their gaming experience. Why would someone build a gaming PC? There are multiple reasons, mainly it gives the user complete control for graphics, audio, and overall customization. If you are interested in doing a gaming build there are a number of things you should consider before jumping in… a gaming computer needs a multicore processor, high-end cooling, a quality GPU, and a high-definition sound card.   Ideally, those that want to venture into building their own should do some research as this can come with a hefty upfront cost. Of course, someone could just