The ancient dinosaur still exists!! (week 9)


Being born in the early 90’s gave me the opportunity to experience the joys of using dial up internet… waiting for it to connect, hearing the loading dial tone, and the ‘you got mail’ message that would play when you finally connected. Am I the only one that remembers “get off the internet, I need to use the phone” or “get off the phone I need to use the internet”? one of the drawbacks is that is connected directly to your land line, and you could not use both at the same time. This is something that a lot of people do not use anymore, and what I thought was completely obsolete.

This week’s reading blew my mind when I read that dial up still exists today and is something that modern computers can set up to connect to it! One of the keep components you need is a landline, but you can reach out to your ISP to get a dial up account. But why would one use dial up if we have faster internet available? While dial up is extremely slow in comparison, it is more affordable and those that live in rural areas can benefit from it if there is no other internet available. Additionally, some people like IT professionals use it as a backup option.

Personally, I’m not sure if I could go back to using dial up… Do you think you could?


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