For private parties only! (week 7)


Virtual Private Networks, they have so many more uses than what people have been recently trying to use it for (you know, the news that has swept the nation with the recent application restrictions). I see a lot of people using them as a way to get around geo locations. It was also popular with the Pokémon go app, so people could catch all the good Pokémon. But that is beside the point. It’s interesting that a lot of people I know personally, only associate VPNs with bypassing geo locations.

There are a lot of uses that a VPN can be used for and offer great benefits. For instance, protecting your online privacy, encrypting data, using public wi-fi in a more secure manor, and even working remotely. Having a VPN is an extra layer of security that can help minimize or even element certain risks a user may face when working with sensitive data or even public wi-fi… lets face it, wi-fi spoofing is real, and you would not want to get tangled in that web.

There are a lot of services/companies that offer VPNs, please do your research on them and pick one that meets your needs. Some of the free VPN services are not as secure or maybe not even legitimate; for a good VPN service, you may need to spend money, however not all the paid services are legitimate either!

Keep your eyes open, and your data safe!


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