Why are you being so cryptic?! (Week 6)


Do you remember back in grade school passing notes to your friends in class; maybe you even came up with a cryptic way to write that message or a secret code so others don’t know what you’re saying, but you can decode that message with the code you both came up with? I do! It was fun to come up with different ways to pass information without someone intercepting your intended message. While that was a good past time, now we have something similar, called encryption.

Encryption can be a powerful tool when utilized and can help prevent your personal data or other information from being altered, stolen, or compromised. Data encryption requires special keys to encrypt and decrypt your message.  Allowing your transmitted information to reach it’s intended destination with out interception or disruption, essentially keeping your secret a secret. If you haven’t used encryption before, what’s stopping you from using it now?!

For more information on encryption and different types, check out: https://cloudian.com/guides/data-protection/data-encryption-the-ultimate-guide/


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