The age-old debate of This or That… (Week 9)


A lot of people are die hard for Apple or Android…. There seems to be no in between; this is the age-old debate of which is better. Have you ever asked someone why they prefer the mobile operating system that they use? It’s an interesting question that will usually spark a debate if they do not use the same Mobile OS as you; even if you say no, chances are it will.

I personally prefer Android for many reasons, but for a short time years ago I went out on a limb and tried iPhone. Not my best decision, this was back when iPhone 6 came out. After using Android for most of my adult life, switching to a new OS that has a completely different user interface was a challenge. It is ideal to remember that choosing a Mobile OS is purely a personal preference/choice, and there are pros and cons to each of them.

Here are a few of my pros and cons for each Mobile OS based on my experience




Better security

Limited on customization

Integrates well with other apple products

Does not allow for expanded storage

Offers stability and smooth performance

Closed Source


Android OS:



Expandable storage

Delayed updates depending on the manufacture

Open Source

Not as secure as iOS

Greater customization

Inconsistencies with battery between manufacturers


At the end of the day, you want to choose the mobile OS that fits your needs! Which one do you prefer?


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