What's your address? (week 5)


Every house and business has an address… Could you imagine how things would be if addresses didn’t exist… now that would be chaos; with everyone getting lost or using the ‘if you pass the railroads tracks, you went to far’ or maybe even ‘take a right at the second road, then a left at the first intersection’ *yikes*. Having an address is important when wanting to travel, or even send mail.

Similarly to the addresses we use in our daily lives, computers and networks also use address… except those are called IP addresses!!! This allows data being sent over a network to know where it’s going and where it came from… it’s a virtual address. Although, what I thought was pretty cool was how there are two different types of IP addresses, Dynamic and Static. 

The key differences are that dynamic changes after a period of time, are automatically assigned by the networks DHCP, and a typically more common with ISPs and home networks. Whereas a static IP address is permanent, manually assigned, and is typically used for things like printers are servers.


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