
Showing posts from June, 2024

Do we really need air?! (Week 4)

  Air is extremely important in all aspects. Imagine, it’s a hot summer day… your air conditioning went out, you open all the windows to keep from overheating; allowing the gentle breeze to travel and flow through one open window to the other. Giving you the necessary airflow to keep your house a smidge cooler and to help circulate stagnate air. Similarly, this can be translated into airflow in computers. Why is airflow in computers crucial? Having proper airflow helps keep your computer cool and improves longevity. Afterall, the hardware sits inside a box all day… it would start to get hot and overheat if not for having the necessary airflow. Some things to think about in terms of your computer’s airflow are fans, vents, and hardware placement. All of these can play a role in keeping your computer running smoothly and efficiently. Ideally, you should always maintain and ensure that your device has the necessary airflow to run properly. To do this, you should make sure the vents an

A nibble or a bite? (Week 3)

  Let’s talk about RAM…. No, not the animal; Random Access Memory! Before I started college, I always thought that RAM was the main storage or mass storage, in regard to computer functions. Looking back on that, it was pretty silly.   RAM can be thought of as a type of storage, but not the type of storage a person typically thinks of when storing data you want to save for later. RAM is volatile storage, meaning that it needs a power source in order to maintain the information you are trying to access.   When the power source is taken away the information vanishes; think if it as short-term memory. In short, random-access memory only stores your data that you are currently using and does not store information long term. If you are looking to store something long term, that information goes to your SSD. It only took me going to college to learn this information, rightfully so, I guess… especially since I want to major in IT I think my favorite part of learning about the inter worki

Mother bored? (Week 2)

  Holy mother of boards… or should I say motherboards! Have you ever wondered why they are called motherboards? I have! Out of all the names they could have chosen, that’s what they decided on…😂    Interestingly, circuit boards that are plugged into a motherboard are called “daughterboards”.   Based on the naming, one might assume that the motherboard is the brains behind the operations; but that would actually be the central processing unit. Think of the motherboard as the base of operations, where information comes and goes. Traveling through the motherboard to get from one place to another. If you ask me, I think a better fitting name would be: Main circuit board  Moving on from the technicality of weird names for computer components. Did you know that before Microsoft’s graphic user interface, there was such thing as command user interface? Instead of the easy clicking of your everyday desktop icon, you had to type out what task you wanted the computer to perform! I could not im

Never to late (Week 1)

  Hello cyberworld, You can call me K! Allow me to introduce myself: I am a Junior in college, and currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in information technology! Exciting right?! The first time I ever used a computer was in 1997 at a mere age of 5... back in the floppy disc era 😂 The first OS I got to experience was Windows 95… It seems like forever ago. Being able to experience the evolution of Operating Systems, and how much technology has evolved is astounding. Although, my favorite OS will always be Windows XP! My love for technology started at a young age, between self-teaching myself the basics of HTML and how to manipulate it at the age of 14 and watching my dad fix and rebuild computers growing up. It was then that I knew I wanted to learn more about tech. While I waited to start college and pursue my degree, I feel that it is never too late to do something you enjoy. Even if you start college at the age of 30… is 30 to late?! Definitely not, never give up on you